Is it ok for a dealership to need a copy of my license and my most recent pay stub? - recent driver license templates
Hi, I recently bought a vehicle from a dealer here in Ohio, and all was well and good. I have all my papers and do all lawful things and went with my new car, it was on 1 May 2009.
Well, on 28 May, the dealer calls me and says they need to get a copy of my last payslip and my license. I have no idea why you need this information.
The only thing I am not my first payment due 15 June still not always noticed and receive my payment book financed by the bank that my car, and recently received a letter that the actual car loan was denied. No idea how he would have snatched 27 days ago with the car if the loan was denied, and now, when I placed my dealer who needs me. Please help if you can
What happened was that they were "in situ" made, ie, the dealer had allowed him to take the car without the final approval of the bank. The bank refused to pay, and when they do, they must send a letter. The dealer is always ready to approve the loan and the bank requires a copy of your driver's license and proof of payment for confirmation of identity and income. This is actually something that happens quite often when an agreement rejected, then warmed up for approval
We give you the information you want.
If you keep the car that this information is available.
If you keep the car that this information is available.
If you keep the car that this information is available.
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